The Federal State-owned Establishment of Public Health (FSEH) “Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances (RRPHCBS)”
Journal “Toxicological Review” (Russian!)
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Scope of the Register
Information support of state activities in the chemical safety-related area . Contribution to Russia's integration into the world information and economic space.
The State Registration

The procedure of the state Registration include:

1. Examination of documents submitted by applicants;

2. Preparation by FBEPH “Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances” of documents on properties of substances under question necessary for state registration;

3. Issuing of state registration certificates by the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being (Rospotrebnadzor).

Database “Hazarzous Substances”

The database “Hazardous Substances” contains information about chemical compounds which passed state registration. It includes data about physical and chemical properties; toxicity and hazard to humans and the environment; hygienic and environmental standards.

IV meeting of toxicologists of Russia

The IV meeting of Russian Toxicologists with international participation will be held in Moscow on 6,7,8 November 2013.

Meeting Organizers:

  • Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being (Rospotrebnadzor);
  • Federal Budgetary Health Establishment “Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances” of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Russian Non-governmental Organization of Toxicologists with the support of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology” under the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia;
  • Federal State Budgetary Research Institution “Institute of Toxicology” under the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia;
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Research and Practical Center “Farmzashchita” ” under the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia.

Organizing Committee of the IV meeting of Russian Toxicologists with international participation

Venue of the meeting

The IV meeting of Toxicologists of Russia will be held at the following venue:

Conference hall, hotel Izmailova Gamma-Delta: 71, Izmailovskoye shosse, buildings Ã-Ä, 105 187 Moscow, near underground station “Partizanskaya”,

On-site registration will be open all days of the meeting from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Banking information

The currency used in Russia is the Russian ruble.

Accepted credit cards in Russia are Visa, Master American Express cards.

A branch of Sberbank is located at the premises of the Hotel Izmailovo Gamma-Delta.

Internet Access

There will be an Internet Corner allowing a free access to the Internet.

Scientific Program
Main issues to be discussed at the IV meeting of Russian toxicologists

  1. Results of the development of toxicology in Russia, its role and challenges in protection of large population health and the environment in view of Russia’ entry into WHO and joining OECD.
  2. Methodology of risk identification at toxic exposures and its importance in the activity of healthcare authorities.
  3. Issues of hazard assessment, classification and state registration of chemicals and their mixtures.
  4. Main problems in clinical and drug preparations toxicology.
  5. Toxicology of ecosystems and biological monitoring.
  6. Toxicology informatics as a leading direction in chemical safety.
  7. Specificities of toxicology of chemical products based on nano-,bio-and cellular technologies.
  8. Influence of toxicants on organs and systems ( neuro-, immune-, allergo-, hepato-, genotoxicity, effects on the reproductive and endocrine systems).
  9. Actual problems in military and extreme toxicology. Toxicological problems of chemical terrorism. Issues related to liquidation of chemical weapons.
  10. Prospective trends in the development of antidotes, means of pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy of acute poisonings.
  11. Problems of professional education of toxicologists
  12. Inter-sectoral and intradepartmental coordination of researches and practical activities in toxicology.

Scientific program of the IV meeting of Russian toxicologists includes:

  • Plenary and scientific sessions meeting;
  • presentations at poster sessions;
  • Young Scientist Research Award

Forms of participation in the IV meeting of Russian Toxicologists

  • oral presentation
  • poster presentation
  • placing abstract (s) in the Book of Abstracts but without presentation
  • attendance without presentation and abstracts.

Requirements to abstracts presentation

  • 3 web pages in electronic version
  • text editor- Microsoft Word
  • font -Times New Roman, font size 12
  • single interline spacing
  • margin-top and margin-bottom – 2 cm; margin-left and margin-right -3 cm.
  • drawings black and white to be submitted separately in jpg format
  • summary – up to 80 words, key words, references, UDC.

It is planned to place the Book of abstracts in the Russian Science Citation Index.

Presentations edited in accordance with requirements stated must be submitted to the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee by e-mail to the address strictly by September 1st 2013.

Registration & Hotel Accommodation

Registration Form of the participant at the IV meeting of Russian toxicologist, Moscow, 6-8 November 2013


It is the responsibility of participants to apply for the required visa. If a registrant need a personal invitation to receive a visa in his(her) country, a request must be sent to the secretariat of the Organizing Committee by email to . To cross the RF border, an entry visa is required. To obtain it, a registrant must fill out the application form, see Annex 2, and send it together with a copy of two first pages of his(her) passport duly signed to the secretariat of the Organizing Committee by email to

Application form for an entry visa to the Russian Federation

Information for advertising

Oral presentation for 15 minutes- 15,000 rubles.

Advertising message in the Book of abstracts (440-500 copies- color advertisement ( 4 colors) on the 3rd or 4th page of the cover–15,000 rubles.

Advertising insert–color: two A4 sheets-30,000 rubles; one A4 sheet-15,000 rubles; 1/2 A4 sheet-8,000 rubles; 1/4 A4 sheet-4,000 rubles.

Black and white advertisement: one A4 sheet-12,000 rubles; 1/2 A4 sheet 6,000rubles; 1/4 A4 sheet - 3,000 rubles.

Poster presentation- 5,000 rubles. Poster for 1 day -15,000 rubles.

Contact information

The Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances (RPOHB) of Rospotrebnadzor will serve as Secretariat of the IV meeting of Toxicologists of Russia.

The contact person is Ms. Ekaterina Dorofeeva, Department Chief,


19A, Varshavskoye shosse, 117105 Moscow, RF

Tel. +7(499) 940 97 87

Fax: +7(499) 940 97 75


About The Register

In accordance with the Russian Federation Law No 52-FZ of 30/03/1999 on “Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-being of the Population” (Art. 43 concerning state registration of substances and products) and with the RF Government's Decree about “State Registration of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances” No 869 of 12/11/1992, in the Russian Federation a mandatory state registration of potentially hazardous chemical and biological substances has been implemented in order to prevent their adverse effect on human health and the environment.

State registration is applied to all individual chemical and biological compounds produced and/or imported into Russia including those used as ingredients in the composition of end products. Substances having in their composition by-products produced in the course of manufacturing or use are to be registered like individual substances.

FBEPH “Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances” is a body accredited by Rospotrebnadzor to conduct investigations into toxicology and establish hygienic norms.

Director of the FBEPH “Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances”: Kh.Kh. Khamidulina, Dr.Med..Scs. Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Toxicological Review, Executive Secretary of the Russian Society of Toxicologists”

FBEPH “Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances” is an information and analytical framework in the Rospotrebnadzor system and performs the following:

  • develops and maintains a database on potentially hazardous chemical substances handled on the territory of the Russian Federation (ARIPS “Hazardous Substances”);
  • provides information on national and international legislations, international conventions on chemical safety;
  • provides assistance on chemicals-related export and import problems, procedure of filling out documentation;
  • provides comprehensive information on individual chemicals ( physical and chemical properties, toxicometric characteristics, indicators of ecological safety, hygienic and ecological standards, fire- and explosion safety, storage requirements transportation, disposal; codes and risk phrases; labeling, UN numbers and numbers of emergency cards;
  • edits a scientific andpractical journal “Toxicological Review” and reference resources on toxicity and hazard of chemical compounds.

FBEPH “Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances” is a designated national authority for exchanging information on hazardous substances in international trade (RF government's Act “About designation of a body in the Russian Federation to carry out functions set forth in the London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade”

FBEPH “Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances” is a body accredited to develop safety passports for substances and materials.

FBEPH “Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances” is a national correspondent of UNEP Chemical Branch.


FBEPH “Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances” is editing a journal “TOXICOLOGICAL REVIEW” which highlights scientific and practical issues related to chemical safety, publishes legislative and regulatory documents concerning chemicals.


Post address:
  19A, Varshavskoe sh.,
  117105 Moscow, Russia

Phone (multy-channel):
  +7 (499) 940-9787

  +7 (499) 940-9775